Critical Race Theory Is Taught in Public Schools.  Ed Wallace Falsely Claims Otherwise.
2021 July 26

During the Second Hand News (SHN) segment of the July 24, 2021 edition of Wheels, Ed Wallace states that ♫ “There is no public school in America that teaches critical race theory" and ♫ “…on critical race theory, something that has never been taught in any high school anywhere”.  A web search quickly debunks Ed Wallace’s assertion that public schools are not teaching critical race theory (CRT).

From one of many examples, Fox News reports that Virginia county officials acknowledge critical race theory influences, aligns with their work:

For example, Fight for Schools PAC, an anti-CRT group in Loudoun, obtained an invoice showing that the district's diversity consultancy billed it for "Coaching support for LCPS leaders - follow up meetings focused on Critical Race Theory Development May 2020." That was billed at $625 per hour for five hours, or $3,750. LCPS did not respond to a request for comment on this.


Here is the invoice received from Loudoun County Public Schools for workshops on creating CRT teaching frameworks:

CRT Invoice

However, one only needs to look to the resolutions passed in July 2021 by the Nation Education Association (NEA), which is the largest public school teachers union in the country to see that the CRT teachings in K-12 schools are systemic.  The NEA passed Business Item 39 endorsing the usage of already available CRT materials:

A. Share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) -- what it is and what it is not; have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.


When awareness of this resolution spread, the NEA deleted it from its web site to hide this admission regarding CRT from the public.  So when during this SHN segment Wallace tells elected members to ♫ defer to the 'experts', perhaps this car salesman turned audio CliffNotes transcriber of books written by actual academics should follow his own advice, admit he does not know much about education, and defer to the educators themselves at the NEA who label their teaching plans as critical race theory.

In short, this is just another representative instance of Wallace’s Sleight of Hand News.
