Ignorance and Prevarications Obscure a KLIF Wheels Theme Song
2024 August 10

Squeals with Ed Wallace: KLIF Wheels Don Grantham Calls a Slade a Spade

Why KLIF Wheels Host Don Grantham Cannot Call a Spade a Spade

The Wheels radio show on KLIF has two songs that can be considered its theme song. The show’s start plays the Late Show with David Letterman Theme by the CBS Orchestra. Each of the show’s subsequent hours leads off by playing the song Run Runaway by Slade. With the show’s current duration of four hours, the Run Runaway bumper airs three times a show. When the show ran five hours as recently as 2022, that bumper played four times a show.

So, one would think that the guy who was the producer of Wheels since from at least 2008 until 2022 would know the identity of the bumper that pays three to four times on his show. Well, think again. Because Wheels’ then producer, now host Don Grantham knows not the contents of the show that he hosts with John Ingram. When asked by a caller to identify this most played bumper music on his show, the exchange went as follows:

Wheels with Don Grantham and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM - April 27, 2024 11:53AM

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth

“I've been listening to this show since I moved to DFW in spring of 96. So I'm quite familiar. But there's this one bumper tune that you guys and Ed's been using the same one forever and ever. It's the one with the repetitive percussion.”

Don Grantham
I had to call him because I said ‘Spade’.
S. P. A. D. E.

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“All right. That's the artist.”

Don Grantham

 Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“And I think your call screener said… he thought… he meant… he says… uh he calls it ‘Runaway’.”

Don Grantham
“You know… that could be. I... I didn't… I couldn't remember. So somebody did the same, sent me the emails with the question you're asking and I sent it...”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“That was me.”

Don Grantham
“Was it? He said, well, I just, I thought I answered you and then I just sent it again to you.”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
You said ‘Spade’.
But I've been searching the internet and I can't come up with that same thing

Don Grantham
That's… that's what, you know, and I didn't do that and all I, all I had to do was ask him was who the artist was.”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“Ok. Well, I appreciate that. I just sent you another one today.“

Don Grantham
“I just answered it today.”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth

John Ingram
“Another bumper question?”

Don Grantham
“No, it's the same one. I thought, I thought I answered it after I, when Ed emailed me back, I thought I answered it. So that's my bad.”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“Well, maybe I, maybe I just ought to go ahead and address the question to Ed and, and, uh, you know, give you a break.”

Don Grantham
“No, you don't do that. I'll call and find out because that means you're the second person. That's probably the, well, it's not the most asked question but because you may want too many car questions, but that's great. I'll find out who it was.”

Caller “Tony” in Fort Worth
“I've been trying to find out information on that tune forever and ever and ever."

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


So Don Grantham:

·         Was unable to identify the most played bumper on the show to which he has been attached for decades.

·         Must ask prior host Ed Wallace for the answer.

·         Then fails correctly communicate that answer to the caller by never providing the song’s title and by mangling the name of the performer that plays it.

Ed Wallace never kept the identity of Wheels’ co-theme song secret. He discussed it on air as recently as 2022.

Wheels with Ed Wallace
KLIF 570 AM - July 16, 2022 9:02AM

Ed Wallace

“And here we go with hour number two of Wheels for this Saturday morning. Do you know the name of the group that does that?

Brad Roblyer
“No, I don't.”

Ed Wallace
It is Slade.

Brad Roblyer

Ed Wallace
And the song is Run, Runaway from 1984, with everything by using that for the ad campaign for the radio show. Run Runaway"

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


There is no excuse for Grantham’s ignorance of his own show. It just further exposes that Wheels is something that has not been made his own, even after 9 months with Grantham’s name in its title. Embarrassed by this failing, Grantham now overcompensates by stating the bumper’s identity on most every Saturday since.

But is more than ignorance. Grantham is merely a “bot” that acts as Ed Wallace mouthpiece. He says what he is told. And part of that dynamic is to maintain a fiction that Wheels is the product of Grantham and Ingram. Consider the Grantham’s following commentary upon exiting a bumper:

Wheels with Don Grantham and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM - March 30, 2024 10:51AM


Don Grantham
Tim. I have so much trust in you. I'm not too sure about that one. That's the only ones that hadn't really, like, hit my button today.

Other than that good job.

”And good job to you for being with us today on Wheels for a Saturday morning here on 570 KLIF.”


When coming back from a commercial break, Grantham implies that sound engineer Tim Kimsey curated that day’s bumpers. This, of course, is fiction as that day’s bumper playlist had already been utilized for three shows prior (November 18, 2023; June 24, 2023; February 4, 2023). But to maintain a fiction that Wheels is the product of Grantham and Ingram, Grantham (this instance and several others) attributes the bumper curation to Tim.

However, only a couple of months prior to the above, guest Platinum Ford Dealer Operator Stephen Gilchrist forced Grantham onto the record as to the true origin the Wheels’ bumper playlists.

Wheels with Don Grantham and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM - January 27, 2024 8:39AM

Stephen Gilchrist

Ed picks the bumpers?

Don Grantham
Oh yeah...

Stephen Gilchrist
“Ed picks everything?”

Don Grantham
“Over the years he’s got...”

 Stephen Gilchrist
“He did everything
but pick the decorations in here?”

Don Grantham
“He didn’t have a say so... But they did name it the Ed Wallace studio… a couple of hours each Saturday morning ”

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


As to why Grantham must prevaricate about various aspects of Wheels, one might consider such a holdover from his car shilling days. He must “ABC” (Always Be Closing), even if doing so means shading the truth. And these days, Don has a radio show to sell. Not to mention a master who wants to micromanage everything but also wants to not be seen doing so. That is why Grantham cannot call a spade a spade. The truth is at odds with the message that Wallace directs him to send.

On The Juxtaposition of Theme Songs

Since finding oneself on the topic of a song used for entry into each new hour of the Wheels radio show, one might recall a snippet from the Second Hand News (SHN) segment where Ed Wallace mocks Arizona Republican Kari Lake for the song used to underscore her rally stage entry.

Wheels with David El Attrache and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM - June 10, 2023 11:40AM

Ed Wallace

“Now it's starting to get silly. At least according to the Arizona Republic's Laurie Roberts. As Roberts wrote in her column, Kari held another one of her rallies where she rails about a supposedly stolen election. And this is Laurie's quote:

‘Yeah. Nothing funny about her. Now, seven months old refusal to accept the fact she flat out loss. But it was her entrance music to her last rally that made it so hysterical. That's right. Kari Lake came out on stage while Lenny Kravitz’s version of the Guess Who's American Woman was blazing out of the speakers. And as she entered the spotlight, this exact line was playing.”

MUSIC: American Woman
“American woman
Stay away from me
American woman
Mama, let me be

Don't come hangin' round my door
I don't wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin' old with you

Now, woman
I said, stay away
American woman”

Ed Wallace
“That's right. Absolutely no one with Kari Lake's team that put on that rally actually listened to the words of American Woman, which in case you didn't know, is an anti-woman of America song. So much so, when the Guess Who played the Nixon White House for his daughter, Tricia, she was a huge Guess Who fan, Richard Nixon forbade them from playing American Woman, which at the time was her biggest hit ever.

As for Kari… My dear, you can't judge a song by its title. However, the lines do seem kind of appropriate at this point."


As per this SHN snark, Wallace implies that the song’s lyrics reveal a truth about Kari Lake that is less flattering than the song’s title.

Well, Ed Wallace once again throws stones from his glass house. Because the title of the music used to enter each of the latter hours of his radio show is “Run Runaway”. As in, TURN THE DIAL TO RUN, RUN AWAY from Wheels’ self-serving car purchase advice and dishonest Democrat propaganda. So, yeah, that title for a Wheels’ theme song does seem kind of appropriate at this point.

As for the many that have neither listened to Slade’s Run Runaway in its entirety nor seen its video, the following is submitted for your approval:


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