Ed Wallace’s Amusement with Presidential Assassination Snark Ages Poorly
2024 July 15
2024 July 22 (UPDATE)

Be it on Wheels on KLIF or on his website Inside Automotive, Ed Wallace repeatedly minimizes or omits violence from his leftist allies. And when it comes to assassinations of Republican presidents, the thought amuses Wallace greatly. At least twice Wallace has recounted his tale of what he considers the “funniest bumper sticker”. The first spinning of that tale went as follows:

Wheels with Ed Wallace
KLIF 570 AM – August 14, 2021 11:59AM

Ed Wallace

"I want you to know that many years ago,
the funniest bumper sticker
I've ever seen in my life

And I think I… you… could probably bring it back and make a fortune on it as, as mad as people get about politics today.

But in 1973 in the middle of Watergate, I was back up in Fort Worth. I was driving out Camp Bowie when the Watergate stuff was really just getting a lot of play and the bumper sticker read:

Where's Lee Harvey Oswald
 when we really need him?

“Oh, my Gosh!”

Ed Wallace
“Well, and again, I have a very dark sense of humor. I still remember to this day even it's been almost 50 years ago and I laughed until I was crying. That was so funny at the time."


At a rally in Butler Pennsylvania on July 13th, former President and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was shot in an assassination attempt. Fortunately, the only injury suffered by President Trump was a bloody ear.

It seems quite likely that the federal government will attribute this event to a yet another “lone gunman”. The ghost of “lone gunman” Lee Harvey Oswald haunts the United States once again, as he was tagged as being the lone gunman who assassinated President John F Kennedy.

From Wallace’s own mouth, Ed Wallace admits to having been quite tickled by the thought of President Richard Nixon’s assassination. Wallace seems to hold President Trump in even greater disdain. As such, one could speculate that Wallace will laugh it up at having finally found “Oswald” when he really needed him.

KLIF's Ed Wallace now knows where Oswald is. Laugh it up, funny boy.


To anyone perplexed by the above graphic, the Earache My Eye skit by Cheech and Chong is submitted for your approval:

Cheech and Chong - Earache My Eye


The second time (2022 May 28) Wallace recounted his tale of the “funniest bumper sticker”, Kelly Wolfenberger (General Manager Sewell Audi of McKinney) and Gina Collins (General Manager Sewell Infiniti of Dallas) of Sewell Automotive had the misfortune of co-hosting that show and only mustering nervous giggles in response. Within two months from that indignity being exposed, Sewell dropped its advertising on Wheels (2022 August 13). Could one conclude that Sewell prefers not to be associated with those who make light of violence to accomplish political ends? You might very well think that. Outside Automotive couldn't possibly comment.

-- 2024 JULY 22 UPDATE --


Upon further review, there was a third time in recent history where Wallace recounted his tale of the “funniest bumper sticker”. This narration is the most recent of the three occasions.

Wheels with David El Attrache and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM – April 22, 2023 8:52AM

Brad Roblyer

"You saw a bumper sticker?”

David El Attrache
"Yeah, I did. It says I drive a hybrid. My car burns oil and gas. [LAUGHS] I saw that on the back of this old… you know… old, old cars. Probably from the seventies.”

Ed Wallace
"The best, David, I've seen… I’ve seen one bumper sticker… once… that I will never forget.  It was 1974, the very bottom of Watergate. And I was on Camp Bowie. The bumper sticker read:”

Where's Lee Harvey Oswald
 when we really need him?

Brad Roblyer
"Oh… Wow…”

David El Attrache
"Oh… Wow…” 

Ed Wallace
“And I was thinking that was pretty gutsy to drive in west Fort Worth.”

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


Wallace altered his tale some this time. He began calling the Oswald bumper sticker “the best” instead of “the funniest”, but stopped himself to then settle on memorable. In response, Classic Fleet Chevrolet General Manager Brad Roblyer and then co-host and current Platinum Honda/Nissan/Toyota General Manager David El Attrache offered only meek expressions of surprise. In concluding the tale, Wallace praises the exhibitor of that Oswald bumper sticker as “gutsy”. 

So, Wallace still appears amenable to political violence when conducted by his fellow travelers on the left. And if one thinks that too much importance is being assigned to bumper stickers, consider this declaration from Wallace made two months later about a different bumper sticker.

Wheels with David El Attrache and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM – June 24, 2023 11:26AM

Ed Wallace

“Let me tell you about the sixties. I remember bumper stickers:”

‘America. Love it or Leave it.’

John Ingram
“Yeah. I remember those”

Ed Wallace
“That means that someone who had that bumper sticker thinks they are a superior American to you. And, in fact, anybody who would think they are a superior American with a bumper sticker like that is actually… and I don’t mean to offend anybody… you’re a lesser American.

 [Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


So, in Ed’s mind, presidential assassination snark on a bumper sticker connotes someone who is “gutsy”. But a bumper sticker with an expression against those who attempt to turn the United States into something it was never intended connotes someone who is “a lesser American”.

There is a term for someone who thinks like Ed Wallace:

All in the Family (S2, E5)
“Mike Meets Archie”:

Michael Stivic
“Anything interesting in the paper?”

Archie Bunker
“Yeah. Two hundred arrested at a Vietnam Day peace demonstration. Two hundred. They should've thrown the whole bunch of them in the can.

Look at that picture there. Here they are. Throwing all kinds of junk and ‘deebris’ at officers of the law. Desecrating on the American flag. What the hell do them peaceniks want anyhow?”

Michael Stivic
“Well, I think they just don't like the idea of America fighting an illegal and immoral war.”

Archie Bunker
“Well, if they don't like it, they can lump it. Take it down the road and dump it.”

Michael Stivic
You're saying, ‘America, love it or leave it’?

Archie Bunker
That's right. It's a free country, so amscray.

Michael Stivic
“Well, that would include me too, Mr. Bunker.”

Archie Bunker
“Then toodle-oo to you too.”

Michael Stivic
“What would our leaving solve? With or without protesters, this country would still have the same problems.”

Archie Bunker
“What problems?”

Michael Stivic
“The war, the racial problem, the economic problem, the pollution problem.”

Archie Bunker
“Come on. If you wanna nitpick.”

Michael Stivic
Nitpick? Let me tell you something, Mr. Bunker.

Archie Bunker
“NO… Let me tell YOU something, Mr. Stivic.
You are a meathead!

Michael Stivic
What did you call me?

Archie Bunker
A meathead. Dead from the neck up. Meathead.”


To this day, Classic Fleet Chevrolet General Manager Brad Roblyer and Platinum Honda/Nissan/Toyota General Manager David El Attrache continue to appear on KLIF Wheels. Both were too meek on that day to interject: “NO…. Let me tell YOU something, Mr. Wallace.” And if these guys cannot stand up to some car salesman turned radio shill, what leads the audience to think these guys will stand up and solve problems with their car purchase.

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