“Inside Automotive” might as well be named “Inside Abortion”, as Ed Wallace is determined to make you an insider to the abortion mill industry. Within the 72-hour period since SCOTUS returned the legality of abortion back to the states, the abortion topic dominates the site as Wallace publishes 59 links to related news articles, opinion editorials, and opinion editorials masquerading as news articles.
Click on the following graphic to view the relevant Inside Automotive web site links, link labels, and publisher names since that SCOTUS decision:
Table: Inside Automotive
Roe Overturned Links
Ed Wallace claims that the Inside Automotive web site provides nonpartisan news aggregation. All of the above raw data allows another test of that claim. In the prior test, the link percentage was titled at 84% to Pro-Choice and 0% to Pro-Life.
Of the 59 articles linked, 4 articles were neutral in tone. An article was classified "neutral" if it was a news article that presented all the facts and is balanced in the presentation of opinions the end of abortion as a constitutional right.
Of the 59 articles linked, 55 articles were “pro-choice” in tone. An article was classified “pro-choice” if it overwhelming presented a positive tone towards abortion rights and its supporters or overwhelming presented a negative tone towards the unborn’s rights and its supporters. These pro-choice articles range mostly came from left-leaning mainstream media sources such as ABC News. Some came from very leftist publications such as The Atlantic, Vanity Fair and Politico.
Of the 59 articles linked, 0 articles were “pro-life” in tone. An article was classified “pro-life” if it overwhelming presented a positive tone towards the unborn’s rights and its supporters or overwhelming presented a negative tone towards abortion rights and its supporters. There was not one link to any article that presented a favorable treatment of the court’s decision. In fact, the only source to which Wallace linked that some consider a right-leaning news source was Fox News. Wallace linked to one article from Fox News that reports Samuel L Jackson racially insulted Justice Clarence Thomas (without any rebuttal).
At five times, the most frequently linked source was The Texas Tribune. This is particularly noteworthy, as the linked articles include the following disclaimer:
Disclosure: Planned Parenthood has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune’s journalism. Find a complete list of them here.
It is a clear conflict of interest that abortion provider Planned Parenthood sponsors the source of many of Wallace's pro-abortion rights articles. No wonder the bias tilts even further to the pro-choice side, increasing from 84% to 93%.
Pie Chart: Ed
Wallace Inside Automotive Laments Roe's End
Wallace did not link to the many weekend instances of pro-life centers being vandalized. Wallace did not link to the threats from the organization "Jane's Revenge" which has been associated with dozens of intimidating acts targeting those opposed to abortion. Wallace did not link to the J24 insurrection in Arizona, where protestors for abortion rights broke windows and doors at the Senate building and stopped the in-progress Arizona State Senate legislative session. Conversely, a pickup with the right-of-way slowly pushing through pro-abortion protesters blocking the road does get a link from Wallace this weekend.
Once again, Ed Wallace actions expose his belief that politically motivated violence conducted by his fellow travelers on the left should either be ignored or be considered “fiery, but mostly peaceful”. And his radio program and web site are the means by which he disseminates this propaganda.
And who funds Ed Wallace’s Inside Abortion web site? Car dealers like Freeman Toyota, who sponsors both his Wheels show and his weekday 5:26PM KLIF auto news segments. Freeman Toyota’s General Manager is Dane Minor, who has co-hosted Wheels’ as recently as June 18, 2022 for the full five hours. Dane Minor is also an Elder at the Gateway Church, where he publishes his association with Freeman Toyota on the church’s web site.
Dane Minor, Gateway Church,
”Dane Minor is the general manager and managing partner of Freeman Toyota and
Freeman Honda. He has been with Freeman Auto Group since 1988"
“Dane has been
attending Gateway since 2006 and has enjoyed learning through Pastor
Robert’s teachings.”
And what are those teaching of Pastor Robert? Perhaps the pastor’s tweet released soon after the announcement of the SCOTUS decision offers a clue:
Robert Morris, Gateway Church: SCOTUS protected the unborn.
To conclude: if you are a member of the Gateway Church and want to follow the teachings of Pastor Robert instead of merely 'enjoying’ them, one would purchase their next vehicle from someplace other than Freeman Toyota. Whereas a portion of a car purchase goes towards advertising expenses, you, the buyer, are financing the promotion of abortion rights that occurs on Ed Wallace's KLIF Wheels radio show and his Inside Automotive web site when purchasing a vehicle from Freeman Toyota or Freeman Honda.
For more information, view post: Pro-Life Church Elder Sponsors Abortion Rights Advocating KLIF Wheels with Ed Wallace
In the June 29, 2022 edition of Ed Wallace's Inside Abortion web page, Wallace again provides cover for violence conducted by his fellow pro-choice advocates by linking to an article titled "Fears of violence against pro-choice protests intensify amid wave of attacks" posted on the left-wing source The Guardian. Any doubts as to The Guardian’s far-left bias are dispelled by its misnaming of the “pro-life" side as "anti-abortion", while using the left side’s preferred nomenclature of "pro-choice"
Even more egregious is Wallace’s applied link label: “Fears of Violence
at Pro-Choice Rallies”. Wallace’s label implies that the article covers
fears of any violence at these events, while the article itself bemoans alleged
violence targeted at pro-choice
pro-abortion protesters while denying the real violence by the pro-abortion
protesters. Mostly, The Guardian is outraged that the police are arresting some
of the worst pro-abortion actors.
Since the release of the SCOTUS’ Dodd decision, Wallace has not linked to any story covering the violence, vandalism and threats from the pro-abortion protesters.