WBAP CarPro Reynolds Slams Bad Tax Code 179 Advice Given by KLIF Wheels
2024 August 24

CarPro Reynolds and Freeman's Dane Minor mock KLIF Wheels tax section 179 advice.


The Car Pro Show Radio Show host Jerry Reynolds apparently craves another bumble in the jungle. The target of Reynolds’ condemnation was competing Cumulus radio show Wheels (KLIF 570 AM). Reynolds accused its hosts Don Grantham and John Ingram for spreading misinformation on what vehicles qualify for a tax deduction under section 179 of the United States tax code.

The Car Pro Show
WBAP 820 AM - July 13, 2024 10:07AM

Jerry Reynolds

"You gotta be careful what you listen to on the radio these days. I… I monitor other automotive talk shows. OK. Um… Everyone that plays here in Dallas Fort Worth, and a few that are outside of Dallas Fort Worth.

And I guess my issue is people who talk when they don't know what they're talking about. And so you really got to be careful who you're listening to. Uh, I heard a local talk show, automotive talk show host…”

Kevin McCarthy

Jerry Reynolds
“… a couple of weeks ago. Uh... They had a caller who wanted to know what he could buy and take advantage of tax code 179, which is something I've been talking about for a lot of years. And the guy… I… I… I gotta think he's a listener to this show or a subscriber to the newsletter at least, because this guy knew a lot about tax code 179. But he was… he washis question was what's the best thing for me to buy that I can take advantage of tax code 179.

OK. The host said go get yourself a Malibu.

Kevin McCarthy
“Sorry, wouldn't count, wouldn't qualify.”

Jerry Reynolds
And the guy is like… I didn't think they're qualified. And there was silence and he said: well, there's… there's another program for that. No, there's not.

Kevin McCarthy
“Not so much“

Jerry Reynolds
“It's got to have a 6000 pound GVWR. So, you know, again, don't take everything here as gospel. One thing about me, if I don't know the answer, I will tell you I don't know the answer.  And I'll try to find it for you.”

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


The Wheels’ broadcast to which Reynolds refers occurred a month prior. In that broadcast, Wheels host Don Grantham recommends a Chevrolet Malibu to a caller wanting a vehicle that qualifies for a tax code section 179 vehicle deduction.

Wheels with Don Grantham and John Ingram
KLIF 570 AM - June 8, 2024 11:21AM

Don Grantham

"So you got a question about the, the 179 tax code?”

Caller “Lauren” from Heath
“Yeah. So here's the deal. My… my wife handles all of our property management stuff and I wanna get a car or a truck that works for her that will qualify for the 179 exemption. And there's a whole list of them as you guys know. But what… what would you recommend something that would be, uh-uh, first of all, very reliable. Secondly, that my wife would like to drive.”

Don Grantham
“Well, you know, we did this story last week about the Malibu. The Chevrolet Malibu is going away and that car is almost like the base model Cadillac. It's really nice. Now, I don't know what size car she's wanting, but that's a… it's a… it's a mid size sedan and they're gonna… General Motors decided they're going to get out of the mid size sedan business and I guess, put all their rocks in the... in the truck business… the big SUV business. But that, that and Brad Roblyer at Classic Chevrolet, which is what he specializes in over there, could really lay that out for you all the best way.”

John Ingram
It has to be over 6000 pounds.

Don Grantham
Not if it's a car.
They've got a program for cars too.

John Ingram

Caller “Lauren” from Heath
They do?

Don Grantham

Caller “Lauren” from Heath
I've never heard that.

Don Grantham

Caller “Lauren” from Heath
“So… In other words… Well… But that wouldn't be it. She likes the SUV style. So, I…”

Don Grantham
“OK. Then you're back to the 6000 pounds then.”

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


The Malibu does not qualify for the section 179 tax deduction. CarPro Reynolds is correct. There are no “other programs” under which the Malibu can obtain the section 179 tax deduction. So, Wheels did provide misinformation to their caller.

This incompetence did not go unnoticed by sponsor and occasional on-air guest to both shows: Freeman’s Dane Minor. So a few weeks later, Dane Minor tag teamed up with Jerry Reynolds to body slam the Wheels’ hosts.

The Car Pro Show
WBAP 820 AM – August 10, 2024 10:20AM

Freeman Toyota GM Dane Minor

"If a lease is not for you… We understand that. We get it and you want to buy a vehicle.

 This does qualify for tax code 179. This is not a car… It weighs the proper amount.

That was an inside jab.

Jerry Reynolds
“Yeah… Yeah… [LAUGHS]”

[Some extraneous interjections omitted for readability.]


Not that the above will worry the Wheels’ staff much. Dane Minor airs commercials on Wheels (KLIF 570 AM), on The Car Pro Show (WBAP 820 AM), and on The Automotive Edge Radio Show (KFXR 1190 AM). As such, it appears that Dane eagerly hops into the backseat with whoever will air his dealerships’ commercials. And as it is Minor who writes the checks, Wheels will continue to eagerly roll out the “personal friend experience” for him.

The hosts of The Automotive Edge Radio Show have no involvement with the above fracas. In fact, the hosts of The Automotive Edge Radio Show have had only limited live interaction with Dane Minor. Years have passed since Minor was a guest during a live segment.  Whereas The Automotive Edge Radio Show will be running a live remote from Freeman Toyota today (2024 August 24), perhaps Dane Minor will make an appearance. After all, there are many backseats at a car dealership.

-- UPDATE: 2024 August 28 --


Dane Minor did not make an appearance in The Automotive Edge Radio Show’s live remote at Freeman Toyota. That same Saturday morning, he was live, in studio on both The Car Pro Show and KLIF’s Wheels.

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